Signavio helps companies to keep up with the speed, volume and scope of transition. Market Transformation Suite is the smarter way to continually convert between plan and implementation. Headquartered in Berlin with branches in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, France, Singapore and Switzerland, Signavio represents more than 1,000 clients globally across all sectors. “Our company name comes from the Italian word “Segnavia”, meaning signpost. In 2009 we used the meaning of this word to create Signavio.” says Mathias Weske, Founder. Signavio was born out of a strong desire for a more inclusive and open approach to process management. Four students at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany, saw that process control was either non-existent or totally unmanageable for many companies—there was no way to exchange information between staff or divisions. And while there may be theoretical or scholarly approaches to research and incorporate process control, companies did not benefit from it because it did not function in some type of open medium, such as a software solution. The students wanted to address this issue and what started out as a research project to create a modeling tool with collaborative functions turned into a prototype for the Signavio software that appeared in 2006. After the tool was refined, Signavio was founded in 2009 and introduced the first completely web-based collaborative BPM software.
Today, many businesses face the challenge of continuous transition or even reinvention, determined by consumer requirements. Whether it’s because of emerging technologies, evolving legislation, or simply changing operational awareness, many businesses are considering the path they need to follow in order to achieve long-term success. That is why Signavio was created; to act as a signpost for workflows, processes and decisions. Signavio Enterprise Development Suite, a cloud-based intersectional collaboration process and decision making programme, provides businesses with a way to orient themselves in a time of constant transition.
Since then, Signavio has continued to expand, increasing in terms of its product offerings and as a corporation. What started off as a small start-up is now a multinational leader with a rising team operating in offices in Germany, the United States, Singapore, France, Australia, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The company has recognized that the largest obstacle facing industry today is the speed and complexity of the transition expected to remain attractive to the consumer. Today’s companies need to be continuously transformed, which is a process in and of itself. Signavio’s Suite helps companies to implement methods that they build to accomplish goals such as consumer excellence, organizational improvement, corporate excellence, and digital transformation.
Signavio Enterprise Management Suite does what other business process applications can’t achieve. Some businesses may have one or the other, but Signavio is the only BPM vendor that incorporates advanced modelling, robust workflow control and effective analytics in a single creative, easy-to-use kit. Signavio Enterprise Transformation Suite helps clients to analyze business practices at all stages of their company, evaluate what functions, discard what doesn’t work, and use their own results to show success.