
A Group of Testers with Right Combination of Human and Artificial Intelligence

The future of cybersecurity is hard to foresee because the market is continually changing in response to the shifting activities of cybercriminals and the latest attacks that are taking place. Despite cyber-attacks rising in severity year-on-year, businesses need to spend more than ever on defending themselves. Current projections suggest that the global cybersecurity market alone will be worth around $42 billion in 2020. Synack is a security company that revolutionizes how enterprises view cybersecurity through the eyes of a hacker. Headquartered in Redwood City, California, The Synack Crowdsource Security Research Platform offers the industry’s most detailed, continuous penetration test with actionable outcomes. Synack’s private managed hacker-powered security solution provides customers with hundreds of the world’s most professional, highly-tested ethical hackers who give a genuinely adversarial viewpoint to clients’ IT environments. 

As the cybersecurity environment continues to expand and hackers become more advanced, business is increasingly turning to crowdsourced security measures. Crowdsourced security, an approach that uses a group of ethical hackers to discover vulnerabilities in business applications, devices, and networks, can also help fill the gaps in cybersecurity talent that many companies are still struggling with. 

Robust Penetration Testing with Actionable Results 

The name Synack is derived from the basic protocols of the world’s online networks. SYN-ACK is a handshake that passes data packets between the sender and recipient. “Our exclusive SYNACK RED TEAM LEVELS system rewards you for your involvement, h a c k i n g a n d e ff e c t o n y o u r fi n d i n g s. ” J a y K a p l a n, Co-founder, Synack. Synack provides robust penetration testing with actionable results and continuous protection measured by the world’s most professional ethical hackers and AI technology. Synack is the most reliable Crowdsourced Security Platform in the world. The company promises that trust is earned, and the currency is straightforward. The company delivers a pledge to protect Synack’s clients and their clients. The company also provides absolute control over the process and full trust when you need to concentrate on your company. The Synack Crowdsourced Security Testing System provides the industry’s most detailed, continuous penetration test with actionable performance.  

Synack platform is always-on Security Augmentation. The organization strengthens security monitoring with smart, continuous coverage by leveraging in depth human investigations and Synack’s AI-enabled platform, based on the proprietary Software pillars. The company helps in security testing at scale through AI-powered scanning combined with social triage, yielding quality results without noise. The company offers Crowdsourced Penetration Testing. A rigorous penetration test that discovers vulnerabilities and completes the security checklists based on industry standards, including OWASP Top 10, PCI Compliance, and NIST 800-53. Synack also offers Crowdsourced Continuous Penetration Testing 365, where the company delivers an active penetration testing 24/7/365 that scales your security enterprise-wide. 

A Vision to Start Crowdsourced Security Platform 

Together, the co-founders’ Jay Kaplan and Mark Kuhr started their careers with the NSA and the US Department of Defense as technological security experts to defend the nation from both cyber and kinetic attacks. They share a common vision to revolutionize cyber security by integrating human intelligence and artificial intelligence to create a scalable, efficient security solution. Synack’s private, controlled hacker-powered security solution provides customers with hundreds of the world’s most professional, highly-tested ethical hackers who give a genuinely adversarial viewpoint to clients’ IT environments. “We create a world where unexpected infringements, data theft is commonplace, and humanity’s online contributions are free to share and enjoy.” says Jay Kaplan, Co-founder, Synack.