
One-stop source for all plant-floor specifications

Tutelar Technologies has been delivering leading plant floor solutions for more than 30 years. The business focuses on four main fields for delivering superior goods and services to manufacturing customers. Ujigami Artificial Intelligence-easily customized software that goes beyond most plant f loor software and provides an intelligent supervisory facility for the production floor and management. Plant Floor Mistake-Proofing Solutions - Tutelar design and implement enhanced mistake-proofing solutions with real-time active controls to ensure 100 percent quality and improved productivity. Installation Integration - The company’s experienced team rapidly implements customized, not custom, solutions for your facility, including training and third-party coordination. Consulting Support & Service - The company’s industry experts work with your staff to develop Best Practices, and institutionalize advanced quality and productivity systems. 

Through delivering products and services that connect manufacturing processes to market requirements, Tutelar will accelerate plant efficiency, productivity and responsiveness for customers. Customers are equipped with reliable plant-floor application tools leveraging validated market-leading technologies, combined with a highly qualified, comprehensive service staff that has the breadth of experience to address the customer’s problems. 8 Edward Dickson, President, CEO Tutelar Technologies is the one-stop source for all customers’ plant-floor needs. The company’s team at Tutelar Technologies is committed to delivering products and services that boost the productivity of consumers on the floor of production. Focusing on integrated technologies for industrial applications, the company has streamlined shop floor operations in many fields. Combining extensive programming skills with real manufacturing operations expertise,  the business knows consumer concerns and delivers solutions that easily fix challenges and maximize returns.” We have been interfacing computers to plant floor devices for over 35 years and will be helping you excel in your business for the next 35 years.”  

Using a common platform with validated hardware and software resources, Tutelar Technologies guarantees complete plant floor convergence of equipment and personnel structures, providing an adaptive manufacturing infrastructure that achieves the highest level of output and quality management. The organization has constructed thousands of operator and automated workstations to show that our systems are stable and efficient. The company’s solutions incorporate proven technologies, enabling quick configuration and an effortless expansion path. By using advanced web based standards, such as XML, DHTML, CSS, JSON, and Web Services, the company’s products deliver the next generation capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Industry 4.0, and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The Ujigami Product Driven Manufacturing Solution is the easiest, most scalable plant flooring software that offers the best output at the lowest cost – known to be capable of tackling the toughest real-time manufacturing challenges.

 Tutelar Technologies offers a comprehensive solution for tracking, reporting, handling and enhancing the efficiency and output of your manufacturing plant. The company’s robust automation solutions provide rapid benefits to consumers – easily eliminating costs associated with inadequate manufacturing, low output and lost deliveries. Total plant floor convergence of machinery and personnel systems, creating an intelligent industrial environment providing the highest levels of efficiency and quality management. Special real-time active controls, combined with extreme capability, versatility and ease of use, are unprecedented in the industry. The company works with its clients to ensure that all solutions satisfy their local and organizational specifications and surpass their needs. Unlike other programmes that need rigorous preparation or advanced expertise, customers’ staff can quickly begin to understand the advantages of Ujigami.